Brad, my husband, has suffered with asthma his entire life. When we moved to the Pacific Northwest 20 years ago, his allergist prescribed inhalers for everyday use because he was allergic to all things green. In the past year or so, it became obvious how the inhalers were wearing off and not as effective. In January, Brad developed a cough that would not go away. His asthma also worsened so his allergist suggested biologics as the next step.

Then the pandemic hit. Brad’s cough and asthma kept him from staying too long on Zoom calls and meetings even though he could still exercise and play tennis. Our plan (mine, really) was to schedule an appointment for Brad to see the top allergists at National Jewish Asthma and Allergy Center in Denver, Colorado once things opened up.

His cough was wearing him out and we, as his family, felt such compassion on the toll this was taking on him.

On May 2, I was in my home office upstairs writing a participant’s guide for our church-wide day of prayer and fasting when God spoke to me about praying for Brad. He said to bring Brad into my office with our daughters, to lay our hands on him, and simply ask for God’s healing.

I asked Brad if he would be open to it. He said yes. I found the girls and said, we are going to pray for Dad’s healing but I ask you would come into my office full of faith. We all smiled.

Our family prayer time took all of four minutes as we leaned in with our hands on his chest, his head, and his arm. Brad’s cough stopped later that night and he hasn’t had one issue with asthma, shortness of breath or coughing since May 2! Praise God!

I share this story to confess how God convicted me in the way I pray for my loved ones: I don’t always lay my hands on my family or we on each other and ask for healing. But there’s something else . . .

I believe this story is about obedience. God could heal Brad without us laying our hands on his body; yet, God asked us to do so. How could I have predicted God would heal Brad through this one act of obedience? I have been praying for Brad’s healing for a long time. Thankfully, we obeyed!

Just like you, my conviction in praying for healing extends to our nation, friends, and loved ones who are grieving and lamenting the pain of racism. Some of us have prayed for racial reconciliation for a long time. Just like Brad’s cough was wearing him out and we felt such compassion on the toll it took on him, may we come together as brothers and sisters with a deep desire for healing. Through earnest prayer, desire for healing, and instant obedience, what might God ask us to do?